Several years ago a university in southern Florida conducted some research to try to identify characteristics common to teachers recognized as successful/excellent.
Have you ever wondered what you would experience as one of Jesus’ disciples? Can you imagine accepting his person to person invitation to “follow me.”?
Each August, when randomly entering Walmart and repeatedly getting shocked at the posted “Back to School” signs, I know that this retired teacher is about to enjoy one of her not-forgotten favorite smells — brand-new boxes of Crayola Crayons!
There are many unsung he-roes at work in school systems throughout the country. Among those are the dedicated volunteers who serve in classrooms and other vital areas of a school’s needs.
Teaching in Honduras in Central America is a challenge, especially in a bi-lingual Christian school. About 65% Hondurans are Catholic, mostly non-practicing.
Will we look back and call this the decade of FEAR? It comes at us from every direction! The frightening head-lines and hateful blame-games started even before the pandemic.
During the past weeks, the Living Waters Board lost two of our colleagues, Jackie Sommerlad and Toni Jordan. Between the two of them, they logged forty years on the Board.
Ever listen to a tune, hum a song, hear a melody, recall certain phrases, and then real-ize there is a common thread throughout? Such is the case with Fanny Crosby’s name attributed to countless well-known hymns
Years ago, God brought forth a crea-tion made in His image and put His great planet in the hands of this one whom He made out of the dust of the earth.
Bob is our son, a very bright and curious kindergartner. When he was younger, we noticed that instead of talking, he made funny little sounds and babbled. A pediatrician said he had several markers of autism.