By Rev. Linda Pigott

Will we look back and call this the decade of FEAR? It comes at us from every direction! The frightening head-lines and hateful blame-games started even before the pandemic. For well over two years daily scenarios on so-called news /commentary TV shows and online social outlets have seemed to primarily focus on who’s lying about what, violence, deadly diseases, joblessness, war, hunger and economic uncertainty. Even those of us who believe deeply and trust in God, are not immune to scare tactics and the constant barrage of negativity.

I confess that I sometimes won-der whether these are truly an increasing number of worries or rather, ongoing tragic occurrences that are amplified again and again by constant talk and re-reporting? The Bible entreats us over 365 times (more than one for every day of the year!) to “Fear NOT!” But these gut-wrenching stories in the news make us gasp! And we “click” online for the rest of the article, thereby generating advertising revenue and exacerbating the problem even more!

I want to be fearless and joyful. However, it is not easy amidst the constant gloom and doom. So, we must find ways to intentionally replace these negative messages with acts of kindness and an attitude of gratitude. Positive self-talk helps. Whenever I begin to feel as if chaos reigns, I remind myself that technology in the form of cell phones and the internet are remarkable blessings! I imagine how difficult it must have been before these technological advances for both sets of my grandparents who each sent five sons off to war with little or no communication from them for MONTHS at a time! Also, churches and other non-profits need our volunteer efforts to serve others. Most importantly, I believe we are called to strengthen our resolve by drawing closer to Christ; a daily practice of contemplative prayer and personal worship can refresh and inspire. Strong determination and a community of positive friends are necessities, too; account-ability partners perhaps from a weekly small group or a like-minded telephone buddy can help us persevere.

Still, I find I must constantly RE-commit to being a joyful follower of Christ. These starts and re-starts keep me humble and oh so grateful that we serve a God whose “mercies…are new every morning! Great is [His] faithfulness!”-Lam 3:23 (ESV)