Hanging with the Flock

By Dr. Carolyn Burhans

What does your typical Sunday entail? For a moment, think about all the reasons you do or do not make it to a church service. Those who consistently attend church clearly understand the benefits of being in community with other Christians. They accept the reality that Christians are not perfect; that, in addition to the worship experience, most go to church to connect with people who will care for and support them in times of vulnerability or discouragement. They will join in celebrating their successes, achievements and milestones. Church, for many, is a place where a person may be real, without judgment or derision; a place to restore the mind, body and spirit.

How about the people who have had a negative experience at church? Yes, it happens, and it may lead to a decision to never attend church again. Are you so wiped out from the work week that you sleep in on Sunday morning? While this is a common choice it may be counter-intuitive to achieving the desired result of abun-dant energy. Do your children have athletic prac-tices or events scheduled on Sunday mornings? This is a tough one to overcome unless parents garner the strength to establish priorities and set an example for their children. Have you become so enamored with Christian messages on social media, blogs, YouTube, radio and TV that you don’t think you need to attend church? Yes, it’s convenient, but it inserts distance between you and other Christians.

While there are many ideas about the lack of necessity to attend church or church activities, we do have guidance from Hebrews 10: 24-25 NIV. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

The case for being in community with other Christians is exemplified in these words from Hebrews. Our world is chaotic, uncertain and lacking in love for humankind. To balance our lives between the good and evil that takes place daily we must consciously spend time with others who will encourage us. Attending church on Sunday morning can become a bright light in your week. Participating in church activities can be as fulfilling as an individual accomplishment. There truly is “strength in numbers” especially when Christ is present in the choices that deter-mine where we spend our time and with whom. So, where are you investing your time and how is it working for you?