A Servant’s Heart

By Connie Pryce

There are many unsung he-roes at work in school systems throughout the country. Among those are the dedicated volunteers who serve in classrooms and other vital areas of a school’s needs. Our WAVES readership includes retirees of all types, many teachers, but others with varied valuable backgrounds. Schools all over the country need sup-port from volunteers. Whatever one’s background, there can be a space for one’s expertise, if only a willing heart. Peter tells us in his first epistle, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received, to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)

Everyone knows the havoc wreaked by the pandemic. Then came hurricanes, tornadoes, and other vio-lent storms. We were gratified to see many people step up as volunteers to help those struggling. Almost every area of our lives were affected, not the least of which were the schools. Many schools were closed, and when they finally reopened, we found that school budgets were strained, and some teachers and other school staff had left the profession, leaving major gaps. The answer to filling many of those gaps is volunteers.

Of course, every school dis-trict has its own unique needs, but you can be sure that there are a myri-ad of areas where you may best fit in beside the classroom. Technical skills, musical skills, clerical skills, health care skills, library skills and many others are needed. If you call your local district’s main office, they will gladly put you in touch with the appropriate person. You will undergo a background check, and if all is well, your servant’s heart will be put to work in short order.