Of Love and Life

Who would ever think that a fifth grader’s declaration of intent would materialize? But such is Brandy Gibson’s story of love and life. She was in fifth grade when she informed folks that she was going to marry Jay Gibson, but it was November 19, 1998 before they had their first date, and November 20, 1999 that they were married. Both dates are especially remembered as Clemson game dates, yet November 20, 1999, their wedding day took precedence, and Jay promised not to wear an earpiece to hear the game. Brandy wears two hats in daily living. One is in the mission field, as she refers to it, at Creekside Middle School. She is the Individualized Education Program Facilitator and Chair for the Special Education Department. Her second hat is as a pastor’s wife to Jay, the Connections Pastor at First Baptist Daytona Beach and mother to two, Kaitlyn and Gracie, students at Atlantic High School. Due to her brother’s disabilities, Brandy knew early that she wanted to be a teacher—a Special Education teacher. Born in Cheraw, South Carolina, Brandy graduated from Winthrop University in 1997. She has taught in South Carolina, North Carolina, and now, Florida since 2008, when husband Jay was called to be the Youth Pastor of First Baptist Daytona. Of all the demands on Brandy’s life as a Special Education Facilitator at Creekside, most rewarding is seeing and hearing of the success and achievements of the students. Most difficult is persevering with students when learning is sporadic: learn today, no recall or application tomorrow. She believes prayer is significant ALL the time! Her position is diverse in responsibility and accountability for the welfare of students. Thus, prayer is paramount to her day. Having grown up in church, it was in 2006 at a revival meeting, that Brandy truly recognized her need to make Jesus LORD of her life. As she expressed: “I got serious about the Lord.” She attributes her faith in the Lord as instrumental to her being a more caring teacher and facilitator, ever cognizant of students’ needs—no doubt a factor in being named Creekside Middle Teacher of the Year. CONGRATULATIONS, Brandy! When time permits, Brandy enjoys photography and sees it as a future endeavor. Currently it is a hobby and ministry to and for her family and friends. 

BRANDY’S INVITATION to all our readers: “If you don’t know Jesus, there is a way to know Him.” Contact her at brandytgibson@me.com.