Inspiration, vision and determination are elements necessary to birth new concepts. An organization of Christian physicians inspired Joan Schrysen’s vision of a similar group for Christian educators. Interestingly, naysayers – those who proclaimed the absence of Christian influence in public schools – fueled her determination. In April, 1994 Joan called a few committed Christian teachers to discuss her idea and Living Waters was born. Ginger Aspy, Jackie Brinkerhoff, Bettyanne Edson and Gladys Murphy agreed to become a part of this vision of Christian educators in community. They began to hold monthly meetings open to all who wanted to attend. They committed to pray for each other and for all who worked in the local schools. The motto “From the boardroom to the lunchroom, from preschool to the university” emphasized the importance of inclusivity. Since its inception, Living Waters has evolved to meet the needs of educators. When it became evident that monthly meetings were not feasible timewise for most teachers, the Board agreed to meet for a monthly Time of Prayer for the schools and those with special prayer needs. Prayer has always been the heart of Living Waters. Board members covenant to continue these prayers individually throughout the month, and letters are sent to those for whom they pray. In recent years Debbie Keith, the Prayer Chair, enhanced the prayer list by enlisting contacts in various schools to relay prayer requests from their colleagues. In keeping with the emphasis on prayer, the Board members study books about prayer and discuss them at the beginning of each Time of Prayer. Most recently, they read Priscilla Shirer’s Fervent and are now reading Anne Graham Lotz’ The Daniel Prayer. When the Board changed the focus of the monthly meetings, they also added a quarterly newsletter to inspire, encourage, and support Christian educators in their daily walk. Jackie Sommerlad named it Waves and the first issue came out in March,, 1996. The Board strives to keep each issue informative, yet small enough to read in one sitting. Teacher time demands have always been a consideration. Today, Waves reaches approximately 750 recipients, and efforts are progressing on an electronic delivery option. As Joan retired from the presidency in 2018, she gave thanks for the Lord’s enhancement of her vision and for all the committed people who have made the dream a reality.