MEDITATION: A Peaceful Heart

By Connie Pryce

Several years ago a university in southern Florida conducted some research to try to identify characteristics common to teachers recognized as successful/excellent. The purpose was to help those going into the profession to evaluate themselves so they could emulate some of those characteristics. I don’t remember just what all of them were, but I suppose we could guess that some might be high energy level, dedication to the task, ability to empathize—all the things we would expect to see in an excel-lent teacher. The thing that struck me, however, given the non-religious character of this study, was that, without exception, the trait common to all was a strong spiritual base. Indeed, many said that they prayed and had Bible reading or meditation each day before they entered the classroom. Obviously, that alone would not make us successful, but the point was that all

the teachers possessed that quality. Teaching is hard. Those of us who have spent many years in education have numerous battle scars to prove it, and many of us know we would never have survived without the Lord.

Considering the pressures that fill the final months of a school year, what an excellent time to resolve to deepen our own spiritual base! Obviously, each one needs to find what works best. Perhaps it would be getting to school a few minutes earlier just to be still with the Lord before the day. One teacher I know prays as she drives to school each day (eyes open, of course). Whatever our way, may we always be mindful that whatever we do in His strength will be rewarded with, if not always a peaceful situation, surely a peaceful heart.

“Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee….” (Isaiah 26:3)