Priscilla Shirer, noted author, actress, and inspirational speaker, has published this valuable book inspired by the movie, War Room, in which she starred. “This book is just not meant for pretty reading,” she states. ”It’s not for coffee-table curiosity and other such cameo appearances. Think of it instead as industrial grade survival gear.” Shirer’s premise is that we Christians are in constant warfare with our arch enemy, Satan, but our lethal weapon against him is prayer. Sounds simple, but effective prayer, the kind we need to combat the enemy, is much more than just a few words when we’re in some kind of trouble. It is serious, specific, and strategic prayer. She divides the book into ten chapters or “strategies,” dealing with various aspects and vulnerabilities of the Christian’s life common to all, namely: passion, focus, identity, family, past, fears, purity, pressures, hurts, and relationships--the ones that Satan loves to get at. She gives practical, specific ways one can deal with Satan’s attacks in one’s prayer life using many well-chosen scriptures to emphasize the strategies. One of the most practical aspects of the book is the inclusion of pages for personal note taking and tear-out prayer cards with which the reader can write out their prayers as reminders. Shirer’s lively, yet intimate writing style makes the reader feel she is sitting in the room with you imparting her own experiences, showing how you might find help in your spiritual journey while dealing with the obstacles we all face along the way. In addition to using the book in one’s personal study, it is ideal for group study. As the subtitle implies, the book is directed to women, but the strategies can apply to any Christian. Reviewed by Connie Pryce